## sinetstat ## . An alternative to the standard __Linux netstat__ or __ss__ command.
It can display all TCP/UDP network sockets including (hidden) IPv4-mapped addresses. __Improvements to the original netstat command:__
\- *explore IPv4 in IPv6 listening/established sockets (IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses)*
\- *prints full output of command including its arguments*
\- *shows UID and PID of the command*
\- *shorten output by hiding repeated entries on reused (SO_REUSEPORT) ports*
For a full featured output the script needs root-privileges. . This is a Python 2.x/3.x script. Maybe the shebang line needs to be adjusted, depending on the Python installation of your system. Direct Download: `wget https://git.zweiernet.ch/sigi/sinetstat/raw/master/sinetstat` Then simply try: ``` # sinetstat -h usage: sinetstat [-h] [-l] [-e] [-s] [-r] [-w] [-W] [-t] [-u] [-4] [-6] netstat utility V1.4 2017-2022 by sigi optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -l Only listening sockets -e Only established sockets -s Show all sockets on reused ports -r Resolve IP-Addresses -w Wide (show cmd) -W Wider (show cmd with arguments) -t Only TCP -u Only UDP -4 Only IPv4 -6 Only IPv6 ``` . A sample output: ``` Proto Local Address Remote Address State UID PID Program ----- ------------- -------------- ----- --- --- ------- TCP4 587 0 LISTEN root 22667 /usr/lib/postfix/master TCP4 53 0 LISTEN bind 2991 /usr/sbin/named TCP4 25 0 LISTEN root 19763 smtpd TCP4 993 0 LISTEN root 22714 /usr/sbin/dovecot TCP4 995 0 LISTEN root 22714 /usr/sbin/dovecot TCP4in6 80 ::: 0 LISTEN root 1200 /usr/sbin/apache2 TCP4in6 443 ::: 0 LISTEN root 1200 /usr/sbin/apache2 TCP6 ::1: 10025 ::: 0 LISTEN root 22667 /usr/lib/postfix/master TCP6 ::: 587 ::: 0 LISTEN root 22667 /usr/lib/postfix/master TCP6 ::: 80 ::: 0 LISTEN root 1200 /usr/sbin/apache2 TCP6 ::: 53 ::: 0 LISTEN bind 2991 /usr/sbin/named TCP6 ::: 25 ::: 0 LISTEN root 19763 smtpd TCP6 ::: 443 ::: 0 LISTEN root 1200 /usr/sbin/apache2 TCP6 ::: 995 ::: 0 LISTEN root 22714 /usr/sbin/dovecot ```
(c) 2016-2022 by Siegrist(SystemLoesungen) Website: https://wiki.zweiernet.ch/wiki/Sinetstat This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The program is based on a python netstat script that was written by da667 available on https://github.com/da667/netstat who had it adapted from Ricardo Pascal, available on http://voorloopnul.com/blog/a-python-netstat-in-less-than-100-lines-of-code.