123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # (c) 2016-2022 by Siegrist(SystemLoesungen) <PSS @ ZweierNet.ch>
- # Website: [https://wiki.zweiernet.ch/wiki/Sinetstat]
- #
- # This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
- #
- # Based on a python netstat script that was written by da667 available on https://github.com/da667/netstat
- # who had it adapted from Ricardo Pascal, available on http://voorloopnul.com/blog/a-python-netstat-in-less-than-100-lines-of-code.
- #
- # This version has some improvements make it an acceptable alternative to the original netstat command.
- # So it can explore IPv4 in IPv6 listening sockets and some other information over and above the original netstat.
- #
- # Simply try: 'sinetstat -h'
- #
- import pwd
- import os
- import re
- import glob
- import socket
- import sys
- import string
- import fcntl
- import struct
- import argparse
- VERSION = '1.4.2'
- PROC_TCP4 = "/proc/net/tcp"
- PROC_UDP4 = "/proc/net/udp"
- PROC_TCP6 = "/proc/net/tcp6"
- PROC_UDP6 = "/proc/net/udp6"
- MAX_IPV4_ADDRESS = 0xffffffff
- MAX_IPV6_ADDRESS = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- '02':'SYN_SENT',
- '03':'SYN_RECV',
- '04':'FIN_WAIT1',
- '05':'FIN_WAIT2',
- '06':'TIME_WAIT',
- '07':'CLOSE',
- '08':'CLOSE_WAIT',
- '09':'LAST_ACK',
- '0A':'LISTEN',
- '0B':'CLOSING'
- }
- v4ports = []
- opt_l = True
- def grep_b(list, search):
- return [True for i in list if search in i]
- def get_ip_address(ifname):
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
- s.fileno(),
- 0x8915, # SIOCGIFADDR
- struct.pack('256s', ifname[:15])
- )[20:24])
- def _tcp4load():
- ''' Read the table of tcp connections & remove the header '''
- with open(PROC_TCP4,'r') as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- content.pop(0)
- return content
- def _tcp6load():
- ''' Read the table of tcpv6 connections & remove the header'''
- with open(PROC_TCP6,'r') as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- content.pop(0)
- return content
- def _udp4load():
- '''Read the table of udp connections & remove the header '''
- with open(PROC_UDP4,'r') as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- content.pop(0)
- return content
- def _udp6load():
- '''Read the table of udp connections & remove the header '''
- with open(PROC_UDP6,'r') as f:
- content = f.readlines()
- content.pop(0)
- return content
- def _hex2dec(s):
- return str(int(s,16))
- def _ip(s):
- ip = [(_hex2dec(s[6:8])),(_hex2dec(s[4:6])),(_hex2dec(s[2:4])),(_hex2dec(s[0:2]))]
- return '.'.join(ip)
- def _ip6(s):
- ip = [s[6:8],s[4:6],s[2:4],s[0:2],s[14:16],s[12:14],s[10:12],s[8:10],s[22:24],s[20:22],s[18:20],s[16:18],s[30:32],s[28:30],s[26:28],s[24:26]]
- return ':'.join(ip)
- def _ip6q(s):
- ip = [s[6:8]+s[4:6],s[2:4]+s[0:2],s[14:16]+s[12:14],s[10:12]+s[8:10],s[22:24]+s[20:22],s[18:20]+s[16:18],s[30:32]+s[28:30],s[26:28]+s[24:26]]
- return ':'.join(ip)
- def _conv_v6(s):
- return s
- def _remove_empty(array):
- return [x for x in array if x !='']
- def _convert_ipv4_port(array):
- host,port = array.split(':')
- return _ip(host),_hex2dec(port)
- def _convert_ipv6_port(array):
- host,port = array.split(':')
- return _ip6(host),_hex2dec(port)
- def _convert_ipv6(array):
- host,port = array.split(':')
- return _ip6q(host)
- def _addr_normal(s):
- return ':'.join(["%x" % x for x in [int(x, 16) for x in s.split(':')]])
- def _countFollowingZeros(l):
- """Return number of elements containing 0 at the beginning of the list."""
- #print 'aaa:', l
- if len(l) == 0:
- return 0
- elif l[0] != 0:
- return 0
- else:
- return 1 + _countFollowingZeros(l[1:])
- def _compress_v6(addr):
- hextets = [int(x, 16) for x in addr.split(':')]
- #print hextets
- followingzeros = [0] * 8
- for i in range(len(hextets)):
- followingzeros[i] = _countFollowingZeros(hextets[i:])
- # compressionpos is the position where we can start removing zeros
- compressionpos = followingzeros.index(max(followingzeros))
- if max(followingzeros) > 1:
- # genererate string with the longest number of zeros cut out
- # now we need hextets as strings
- hextets = [x for x in _addr_normal(addr).split(':')]
- while compressionpos < len(hextets) and hextets[compressionpos] == '0':
- del(hextets[compressionpos])
- hextets.insert(compressionpos, '')
- if compressionpos + 1 >= len(hextets):
- hextets.append('')
- if compressionpos == 0:
- hextets = [''] + hextets
- return ':'.join(hextets)
- else:
- return _addr_normal(addr)
- def _resolve_ip(host):
- """
- resolve ip und update dictionary res_cache {'ip': 'name'}.
- If resolution for a ip failed, 'name' is n_try ... 0.
- """
- try:
- hname = socket.gethostbyaddr(host)[0]
- return str(hname)
- except:
- return str(host)
- def netstat_tcp4():
- '''
- Function to return a list with status of tcp4 connections on Linux systems.
- '''
- tcpcontent =_tcp4load()
- tcpresult = []
- for line in tcpcontent:
- line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' ')) # Split lines and remove empty spaces.
- l_host,l_port = _convert_ipv4_port(line_array[1]) # Convert ipaddress and port from hex to decimal.
- r_host,r_port = _convert_ipv4_port(line_array[2])
- tcp_id = line_array[0]
- state = TCP_STATE[line_array[3]]
- if state != 'LISTEN' and o_listen == True:
- continue
- if ( state == 'LISTEN' or state == 'SYN_SENT' or state == 'SYN_RECV' or state == 'TIME_WAIT' or state == 'CLOSE_WAIT' ) and o_estab == True:
- continue
- try:
- uid = pwd.getpwuid(int(line_array[7]))[0] # Get user from UID.
- except:
- uid = line_array[7]
- inode = line_array[9] # Need the inode to get process pid.
- if int(inode) > 0:
- pid = _get_pid_of_inode(inode)
- try: # try read the process name.
- if o_wide == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00')).split(' ')[0]
- elif o_wider == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00'))
- else:
- exe = os.readlink('/proc/'+pid+'/exe').split('/')[-1]
- except:
- exe = '-'
- else:
- pid = '-'
- exe = '-'
- if o_numeric == False:
- r_host = _resolve_ip(r_host)
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('TCP4', l_host+': '+l_port, r_host+': '+r_port, state, uid, pid, exe)
- if o_reused == False:
- if nline not in tcpresult: # Hide multi binds on same Socket (SO_REUSEPORT)
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- # update v4inv6check list
- v4ports.append(l_port)
- else:
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- # update v4inv6check list
- v4ports.append(l_port)
- return tcpresult
- def netstat_tcp6():
- '''
- This function returns a list of tcp connections utilizing ipv6.
- '''
- tcpcontent = _tcp6load()
- tcpresult = []
- for line in tcpcontent:
- line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' '))
- l_host,l_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[1])
- r_host,r_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[2])
- tcp_id = line_array[0]
- state = TCP_STATE[line_array[3]]
- if state != 'LISTEN' and o_listen == True:
- continue
- if ( state == 'LISTEN' or state == 'SYN_SENT' or state == 'SYN_RECV' or state == 'TIME_WAIT' or state == 'CLOSE_WAIT' ) and o_estab == True:
- continue
- try:
- uid = pwd.getpwuid(int(line_array[7]))[0] # Get user from UID.
- except:
- uid = line_array[7]
- inode = line_array[9]
- if int(inode) > 0:
- pid = _get_pid_of_inode(inode)
- try: # try read the process name.
- if o_wide == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00')).split(' ')[0]
- elif o_wider == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00'))
- else:
- exe = os.readlink('/proc/'+pid+'/exe').split('/')[-1]
- except:
- exe = '-'
- else:
- pid = '-'
- exe = '-'
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('TCP6', _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[1]))+': '+l_port, _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[2]))+': '+r_port, state, uid, pid, exe)
- if o_reused == False:
- if nline not in tcpresult: # Hide multi binds on same Socket (SO_REUSEPORT)
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- else:
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- return tcpresult
- def netstat_tcp4in6():
- '''
- Returns a list of tcp ipv4 in ipv6 listen sockets.
- '''
- #print xx()
- tcpcontent = _tcp6load()
- tcpresult = []
- for line in tcpcontent:
- line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' '))
- #if TCP_STATE[line_array[3]] != 'LISTEN':
- # continue
- l_host,l_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[1])
- r_host,r_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[2])
- if grep_b(v4ports,l_port):
- continue
- tcp_id = line_array[0]
- state = TCP_STATE[line_array[3]]
- if state != 'LISTEN' and o_listen == True:
- continue
- if ( state == 'LISTEN' or state == 'SYN_SENT' or state == 'SYN_RECV' or state == 'TIME_WAIT' or state == 'CLOSE_WAIT' ) and o_estab == True:
- continue
- try:
- uid = pwd.getpwuid(int(line_array[7]))[0] # Get user from UID.
- except:
- uid = line_array[7]
- inode = line_array[9]
- if int(inode) > 0:
- pid = _get_pid_of_inode(inode)
- try: # try read the process name.
- if o_wide == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00')).split(' ')[0]
- elif o_wider == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00'))
- else:
- exe = os.readlink('/proc/'+pid+'/exe').split('/')[-1]
- except:
- exe = '-'
- else:
- pid = '-'
- exe = '-'
- if l_host == '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01':
- if _check_v4inv6_port("",l_port):
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('TCP4in6', ' '+l_port, _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[2]))+': '+r_port, state, uid, pid, exe)
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- if l_host == "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00":
- if _check_v4inv6_port("",l_port):
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('TCP4in6', ' '+l_port, _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[2]))+': '+r_port, state, uid, pid, exe)
- tcpresult.append(nline)
- #else:
- # for a in MYIFS.split():
- # _check_v4inv6_port(get_ip_address(a),l_port)
- return tcpresult
- def netstat_udp4():
- '''
- Function to return a list with status of udp connections.
- '''
- udpcontent =_udp4load()
- udpresult = []
- for line in udpcontent:
- line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' '))
- l_host,l_port = _convert_ipv4_port(line_array[1])
- r_host,r_port = _convert_ipv4_port(line_array[2])
- udp_id = line_array[0]
- udp_state = TCP_STATE[line_array[3]]
- if ( udp_state != 'ESTABLISHED' and o_estab == True ) or o_estab == False:
- continue
- if udp_state != 'ESTABLISHED':
- udp_state =' ' #UDP is stateless
- try:
- uid = pwd.getpwuid(int(line_array[7]))[0] # Get user from UID.
- except:
- uid = line_array[7]
- inode = line_array[9]
- if int(inode) > 0:
- pid = _get_pid_of_inode(inode)
- try: # try read the process name.
- if o_wide == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00')).split(' ')[0]
- elif o_wider == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00'))
- else:
- exe = os.readlink('/proc/'+pid+'/exe').split('/')[-1]
- except:
- exe = '-'
- else:
- pid = '-'
- exe = '-'
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('UDP4', l_host+': '+l_port, r_host+': '+r_port, udp_state, uid, pid, exe)
- if o_reused == False:
- if nline not in udpresult: # Hide multi binds on same Socket (SO_REUSEPORT)
- udpresult.append(nline)
- else:
- udpresult.append(nline)
- return udpresult
- def netstat_udp6():
- '''
- Function to return a list of udp connection utilizing ipv6
- '''
- udpcontent =_udp6load()
- udpresult = []
- for line in udpcontent:
- line_array = _remove_empty(line.split(' '))
- l_host,l_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[1])
- r_host,r_port = _convert_ipv6_port(line_array[2])
- udp_id = line_array[0]
- udp_state = TCP_STATE[line_array[3]]
- if ( udp_state != 'ESTABLISHED' and o_estab == True ) or o_estab == False:
- continue
- if udp_state != 'ESTABLISHED':
- udp_state =' ' #UDP is stateless
- try:
- uid = pwd.getpwuid(int(line_array[7]))[0] # Get user from UID.
- except:
- uid = line_array[7]
- inode = line_array[9]
- if int(inode) > 0:
- pid = _get_pid_of_inode(inode)
- try: # try read the process name.
- if o_wide == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00')).split(' ')[0]
- elif o_wider == True:
- with open('/proc/'+pid+'/cmdline','r') as f:
- exe = ' '.join(f.read().split('\x00'))
- else:
- exe = os.readlink('/proc/'+pid+'/exe').split('/')[-1]
- except:
- exe = '-'
- else:
- pid = '-'
- exe = '-'
- nline = '%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('UDP6', _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[1]))+': '+l_port, _compress_v6(_convert_ipv6(line_array[2]))+': '+r_port, udp_state, uid, pid, exe)
- if o_reused == False:
- if nline not in udpresult: # Hide multi binds on same Socket (SO_REUSEPORT)
- udpresult.append(nline)
- else:
- udpresult.append(nline)
- return udpresult
- def _get_pid_of_inode(inode):
- '''
- To retrieve the process pid, check every running process and look for one using
- the given inode.
- '''
- for item in glob.glob('/proc/[0-9]*/fd/[0-9]*'):
- try:
- if re.search(inode,os.readlink(item)):
- return item.split('/')[2]
- except:
- pass
- return None
- def check_root():
- if os.getuid() == 0:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def _check_v4inv6_port(addr,portnr):
- '''
- check if a v4 port is listening over ip6. Strange, we do a SYN connect for every port not listening v4.
- thats because I think there is no image in the /proc filesystem
- '''
- #print 'aaacc:', addr, portnr
- is_onnected = False
- try:
- try:
- t_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- except:
- print("Error: Can't open socket!\n")
- return False
- t_socket.connect((addr, int(portnr)))
- is_onnected = True
- except:
- is_onnected = False
- finally:
- if(is_onnected and portnr != t_socket.getsockname()[1]):
- #print("{}:{} Open \n".format(addr, portnr))
- t_socket.close()
- return True
- t_socket.close()
- return False
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- if not check_root():
- print("Starting with non-root privileges ! Some informations cannot be gathered and are missing.\n")
- #sys.exit()
- #print
- # commandline params
- o_numeric = True
- o_listen = False
- o_estab = None
- o_wide = False
- o_wider = False
- o_udp = True
- o_tcp = True
- o_v6 = True
- o_v4 = True
- o_reused = False
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='netstat utility V'+VERSION+"\n2017-2022 by sigi <https://wiki.zweiernet.ch/wiki/sinetstat>",
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter )
- parser.add_argument('-l', help="Only listening sockets", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-e', help="Only established sockets", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-s', help="Show all sockets on reused ports", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-r', help="Resolve IP-Addresses", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-w', help="Wide (show cmd)", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-W', help="Wider (show cmd with arguments)", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-t', help="Only TCP", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-u', help="Only UDP", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-4', dest='v4', help="Only IPv4", action="store_true")
- parser.add_argument('-6', dest='v6', help="Only IPv6", action="store_true")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if args.r:
- o_numeric = False
- if args.l:
- o_listen = True
- if args.e:
- o_estab = True
- o_listen = False
- if args.w:
- o_wide = True
- if args.W:
- o_wider = True
- o_wide = False
- if args.t:
- o_udp = False
- if args.u:
- o_tcp = False
- if args.v4:
- o_v6 = False
- if args.v6:
- o_v4 = False
- if args.s:
- o_reused = True
- # Output
- print('%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('Proto', 'Local Address', 'Remote Address', 'State', 'UID', 'PID', 'Program'))
- print('%-7s %-24s %-24s %-11s %-8s %-6s %-s' % ('-----', '-------------', '--------------', '-----', '---', '---', '-------'))
- #print "\nTCP (v4) Results:\n"
- if o_v4 == True and o_tcp == True:
- for conn_tcp in netstat_tcp4():
- print(conn_tcp)
- #print "\nTCP (v4inv6) Results:\n"
- if o_v4 == True and o_tcp == True:
- for conn_tcp46 in netstat_tcp4in6():
- print(conn_tcp46)
- #print "\nTCP (v6) Results:\n"
- if o_v6 == True and o_tcp == True:
- for conn_tcp6 in netstat_tcp6():
- print(conn_tcp6)
- #print "\nUDP (v4) Results:\n"
- if o_v4 == True and o_udp == True and not args.l:
- for conn_udp in netstat_udp4():
- print(conn_udp)
- #print "\nUDP (v6) Results:\n"
- if o_v6 == True and o_udp == True and not args.l:
- for conn_udp6 in netstat_udp6():
- print(conn_udp6)