Network sniffer with application link

Peter Siegrist 8442672388 v0.80/si: 6 years ago
400px-Terminal_059.png ffac3ca21d first commit 7 years ago 1dff384827 Update 6 years ago
Terminal_059.png ffac3ca21d first commit 7 years ago 8442672388 v0.80/si: 6 years ago


A commandline network sniffer showing the applications belonging to each packet.

It supports TCP, UDP and ICMP packets.
The Sniffer accepts some filter like tcpdump.

For HTTP connections, there is an argument to show part of its payload.

Under some cirumstances the program/PID cannot be evaluated. This would be reported as follow:

 "?/?" = No entry in /proc/net/[TCP/UDP/ICMP]
 "-/-" = Found Inode but no PID
 "./." = The Inode found is '0'

!! sisniff uses scapy's sniff() function, so scapy package is needed:
!! debian: apt-get install scapy
!! other systems:


# ./ -h
usage: [-h] -i {eth0,lo,tun0,wlan0} [-n] [-pH] [filter]

positional arguments:
  filter                Pcap filter (BPF syntax) on top of IP (in dbl-quotes "...")

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i {eth0,lo,tun0,wlan0}
                        Interface (mandatory)
  -n                    Do not resolve IP-Addresses
  -pH                   Show HTTP Payload
